Our unique and personal collection procedures will bring results in approximately 85% of all claims turned over to this office that are between 60 and 120 days all without the necessity of incurring the expense of litigation, thus saving you the potential for additional expense.
Regarding placement of collection accounts, clients can choose these different ways.
Online Claim Submission
This is available here. You will be able to complete the electronic form and if you choose to you then can attach all relevant, digital supporting documents that you may have. At that time, your submission is reviewed to ensure clarification. After your claim placement is entered into our collections system, we will send an email with a printable acknowledgement letter (PDF) confirming that the account is ready for recovery efforts to commence.
Batch Placements
Clients are able to send placements from your existing systems to our via our web portal with minimal lag. Please email placements@wcscollects.com to discuss this time and money saving service.
By Fax
Here is a printable version of our placement form that you can print out anytime. This can be filled out and faxed with your documentation for each placement. Additionally, you can fax over any document that you only have in a hard copy format to support any placement that was made online. Our fax number is 631-462-5751.
By Mail
Here is a printable version of our placement form that you can print out anytime. This can be filled out and mailed with your documentation for each placement to:
Williams, Charles & Scott Ltd
2171 Jericho Turnpike Suite LL1
Commack, NY 11725
Our Rates
WCS continues to offer the most competitive, contingency based full service commercial rates in the industry. Our rate card can be sent via a PDF directly to your email inbox for all interested companies. Please click here to go to our Contact Form to request a Rate Card or to have an Executive of the company contact you to discuss your unique A/R needs.